Gorilla Exhibit
1.1 Acres Exhibit at LA Zoo ....
Project: Campo Gorilla Reserve (Los Angeles Zoo): Construction of new 55,000 SF gorilla exhibit at Los Angeles Zoo. Start Date: March 27, 2006 Completion Date: Sept. 2007 Original Contract: $11,595,000 Revised Contract: $12,550,000 Owner: City of Los Angels 5333 Zoo Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90027
Thousand Oaks Library
22,000 SF Children's Library...
Project: Thousand Oaks Children’s Library: Construction of a new 22,200 SF children library in the City of Thousand Oaks. Start Date: Nov. 15, 2004 Completion Date: June 24, 2006 Original Contract: $10,500,000 Revised Contract: $11,466,718 Owner: City of Thousand Oaks 2100 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks, CA 91362.
LA Zoo-Elephant Exhibit
6-Acres of Elephant Exhibit at LA Zoo...
Project: Pachyderm Exhibit – Phase III (Los Angeles Zoo): Construction of new 6 Acres Elephant Exhibit at Los Angeles Zoo. Start Date: March 2, 2009 Completion Date: April. 2011 Original Contract: $26,043,000 Revised Contract: $28,685,674 Owner: City of Los Angeles 5333 Zoo Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90027
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